Tennis Player Back in Action After Suffering Major Heart Attack


As a competitive tennis player, Robin Kumar traveled extensively for the sport. By the age of 42, he had established a thriving coaching business in Melbourne, Australia, alongside raising two young children with his wife.

One morning, Robin felt a strange discomfort in his neck. Sensing something was wrong, he drove himself to Sunshine Hospital. While standing at the reception counter, Robin felt a sharp pain in his chest and suddenly collapsed.

Thanks to the swift response of the emergency team, Robin was resuscitated. Doctors discovered a blockage in the main artery of his heart. In the catheterization lab, Dr. Samer Noaman inserted an Impella CP® with SmartAssist® heart pump, and another doctor successfully cleared the blockage to Robin's heart.

Within a week, Robin's heart had recovered and the Impella was removed.

Today, Robin's heart function has returned to normal, allowing him to resume coaching tennis. In a remarkable turn of events, Robin took to the tennis court with a very special student - none other than Dr. Noaman, the physician who played a crucial role in saving his life.

Learn more about Impella heart pumps
